Perfect gifts from &JOY. Really valuable.

  • Glazed Curd Bars Set
    Set of 4 Curdbars &JOY: with vanilla, coconut milk, raspberry, and passion fruit filling. Glazed curd bar with passion fruit filling: cashew (29%), water, agave syrup, coconut oil, passion fruit puree without seeds (8%), cocoa butter, grated cocoa, dried mango, apple pectin, plant organic probiotic, vanilla. Chocolate glazed curd with raspberry filling: cashew (29%), water, agave syrup, coconut oil, raspberries (8%), cocoa butter, grated cocoa,dried raspberry pieces, apple pectin, plant organic probiotic, agar-agar, vanilla. Glazed bar with coconut condensed milk filling: сashew (25%), coconut milk, water, agave syrup, coconut oil, cocoa butter, grated cocoa, plant organic probiotic, vanilla, agar-agar, apple pectin, Himalayan pink salt. Glazed curd bar with vanilla: сashew (30%), water, agave syrup, coconut oil, cocoa butter, coconut milk, grated cocoa, agave syrup, plant organic probiotic, agar-agar, vanilla. Weight - 280g Allergenic ingredients are highlighted in bold. Desserts may contain stone particles of fruits and nuts.

The secret of our gifts

  • Gifts for any occasion, from room fragrance to a designer candy box
  • Gifts create a cozy atmosphere
  • High quality and exclusivity
  • The value of a gift is determined by emotion and aesthetic pleasure